Monday, May 9, 2011

for my lovely....

How do we tell you my love..
Oh mother oh my love..
Who couldn't have worked harder..
To make our life as best as could be..
How much your loved..
For loving us....

Things you wanted so many times..
You put aside, to help us..
A back you never turned, a door you never shut..

How do we tell you, how much this means..
Oh mother of mine, who always beams..
With a loving heart, with open arms..
Caring for all, with all your charms..

You made life, so very good..
For us you did, all you could..
You cared for us, through all bad times..
Your loved so much, oh mother of mine..

How did you find the energy Mom..
To do all the things you did..
To be teacher, nurse and counselor..
To us, when we were kid..

How did you do it all Mom..
Be a chauffeur, cook and friend..
Yet find time to be a playmate..
we just can’t comprehend..

we see now it was love Mom..
That made you come whenever I'd call..
Your inexhaustible love Mom..
And we thank you for it all..

We luv u so much Mom..
Thank you for everything lovely..
A lot of love from your beloved childrens..
We love u with all our heart....

....we love you ibu.....
..from ur beloved childrens..
..Happy Mothers Day..
..Sory for the lately speech from us..
..sory my beloved mom..

~Nadiah Nur Abdul Rahim
~Siti Sarah Abdul Rahim
~Nur Sabrina Abdul Rahim
~Abdullah Hafiz Abdul Rahim
~Abdullah Imran Abdul Rahim
~Abdullah Arief Abdul Rahim

we hope you are among the righteous servants of Allah..Amin.
Lots of love to ibu especially from your 3 cutey children at cairo..;)
Sara+nana+apis wink2 to ibu..:)
we love you forever & ever...
we miss u......
love you ibu...


  1. salam cik sara,,,ada adik laki kat sini ke,,,dia amik apa kat sini...

  2. FROM:Ibu
    Salam to all my children in Egypt,

    Abg hafiz, Thank you for the Wikipharmacy website.Its a very useful and interesting one.

    Insyaallah, I will spend my free time to browse the website later after office hours.

    I pray that all of you 3 are in good health and enjoying your classes and hafazan and working very hard for your coming final examiantions.

    Study consistently, istiqamah and dont wait until the last minute to do your revision.
    there is no short cut to success.

    Work hard and work smart.

    Be honest to yourself and to Allah.

    Dont be like my MBA students from Libya, they like to cheat during quizzes and final exams.I told them that it is haram to cheat. I mentioned to them,

    ' If you cheat, and you'll be promoted to a better position in the company where you work; then the salary received is not halal and you use the haram salary to buy food, clothings and other things to feed your wife,children,siblings and parents with haram food, haram clothings and other things which are also haram.

    I hope all my children would take this story as a very useful advice from me. If you eat, sleep and share haram things with anyone Allah wont give you the BARAKAH.

    Even if you borrow things from your friends please return them to the owner. Don't keep them as if it they are yours. Apologize and get the permission from the owner, don't treat belongings of others as your own.These small things can affect your barakah in your dealings with friends and others.

    We must pray 5 times a day and seek the Blessings of Allah AlMighty for ourself and family members to be in good health, safe,secured and more important we get BARAKAH from Allah in all the things that we do.

    We must Remember Allah and Allah shall remember us.May Allah bestowed JAnnah to all our family members, siblings, friends and relatives..

    Insyaallah all, I pray to Allah that my 3 sons and 3 daughters including my son-in law to be servants of Allah who are soleh and solehah. All of you, I hope would also pray for us ( ayh, ibu, oph ) now and when we are no longer in this world because we will never stop praying for your good health,success, prosperity ( and insyallah BARAKAH) in all your future endeavours.

    Kak Sara,Thank you for the lovely message on Mothers Day from all my children . Its a beautiful poem and I like it very much... muaaahhhh.Sorry, i didn't have time to create a poem but my prayers are always for all my children.

    Kak NA, thank you for sending the sms on Mothers Day(MD).
    Abg, thank you for the wishes on MD

    By the way, Mama and Ayh Ngah came back from Umrah yesterday(11/5/2011).They reached KLIA about 3pm. Somewhere in OCtober, both of them will perform their pilgrimage to Mecaa. insyaallah.

    Maassalamah wa illal likoq..

    from IBU,AYH, OPH, IM ,ARIEF and from two cutey cat at home(TOmoi and Momoi)


  3. Especially to my beloved mum:

    From sara+nana+apis:Thank you ibu..
    lots of love just for u ibu..

    we luv u...

    ~wink3x from cairo & tanta~

  4. to adam : wa'alaikumussalam.
    1st year Medic Azhar.

  5. From:Ibu

    Salam anak-anakku Sara,Nana and Hafiz.

    Ibu,ayah,opah sntiasa doakan kalian 6 beradik maju jaya dan dipermudahkan serta diberkati Allah segala usaha.Yang penting NIAT menuntut ilmu adalah kerana Allah.

    Tambahkan ilmu,Taqwa dan jadilah orang yang beriman.

    Anak-anakku..kita selalu dengar dalam azan..
    Hayya 'alassolah(Marilah mendirikan solat)
    Hayya 'alalfalah(Marilah menuju kejayaan).

    so,SOLAT,USAHA dan TAWAKAL kepadaNYA.

    Setiap kali solat tahajud,mintalah pada Allah apa yang dihajati.Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pemurah dan hajat kalian akan ditunaikan mudah-mudahan.

    Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara.

    Remember my childrens,bulan Rejab adalah bulan ALLAH,jadi istiqamahkan diri puasa isnin khamis paling kurang.

    Kerana Nabi ada bersabda ibu terbaca:barangsipa yang berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Rajab dengan ikhlas,maka pasti ia mendapat keredhaan yang besar dari ALLAH SWT.

    Setiap bilangan hari yang hamba-hambaNya berpuasa,ada ganjaran yang tersendiri.Anak-anakku rebutlan peluang dalam bulan yang mulia ini.

    Doa orang yang berpuasa akan dikabulkan oleh Allah.Yang penting buat kerana Allah bukan kerana ibu atau yang lain-lain.

    Moga anak-anak ibu jadi hamba ALLAH yanh soleh solehah dunia akhirat.

    Batasi pergaulanmu wahai anak-anakku sekalian.
    Orang yang baik,Allah akan kurniakan orang yang baik untuknya juga..x gitu..

    Kita sama-sama doa moga ALLAH memberkati hidup ini dan diberi olehNya ketabahan mengharungi kehidupan yang sementara ini.

    Ingatlah kita belajar tinggi mana sekalipun,kita tetap hambaNYA.

    Biar lagi banyak ilmu di dada,kita makin bertaqwa kepada Allah....
    ingat..tanpa izinNYA,kita tidak berada di mana kita berada sekarang ini.

    Solat jangan sesekali dilalaikan.Focus and khusyuk dalam solat.Bila focus dalam solat,kalian akan merasaikemanisan beribadah kepadaNya.

    Anak ibu mestilah istiqamah bangun tahajud.tahajud is spiritual.
    Kalau xhari-hari pun,ibu suggestkan one week, dua atau tiga kali.cuba sikit-sikit dulu.Sebelum tidur,maafkan semua orang dan zikirlah sebanyak-banyaknya sebab kita selalu alpa.

    ok all my children,opah sihat-sihat selalu..dont worry ya..u all must pray n pray.

    please send my regard to your ahli bait.
    study hard,study smart.
    Mumtaz jiddan insyaALLAH.
    luv u all..

  6. Salam.Ibu..we miss you all..

    Thanx 4 everything ibu, ayah, opah..

    Send our warmest regards to all ....

    ibu..we want to tell you that you are our moooooosssst wonderfulllll mother in the whole wide world ;)

    a lots of love from nana+sara+apis in egypt...

    Sesungguhnya kami amatlah merinduimu..;)
